Now Available: Delaware Basin PSDM

Delaware Basin Completion

Fairfield Geotechnologies is pleased to announce the completion of our Delaware Basin Anisotropic Depth Imaging processing.

Covering an area of more than 2,800 square miles primarily in Eddy and Lea Counties, New Mexico, this pre-stack depth migration provides continuous subsurface imaging. The processing, carried out by DUG in 2020-21, benefits from a regional static solution, surface-consistent wavelet processing, and enhanced noise attenuation workflow designed to preserve the true amplitude and phase consistency of the data.

TTI anisotropic multi-azimuth tomographic velocity modeling has been calibrated with regional well control, to help resolve the lateral heterogeneity existing in reservoirs throughout the Delaware Basin, which can be a challenge to characterize. The Kirchhoff TTI Pre-Stack Depth Migration (PSDM) processing and imaging workflow includes Velocity Variation with Azimuth (VVAz / HTI) analysis and correction, along with high-resolution radon multiple attenuation, to create CDP gathers beneficial for high-fidelity QI and AVO analysis.

Fairfield's goal with this volume is to uncover more detail with subsurface imaging, allowing our customers to make more robust interpretations and ultimately assist with optimal exploration and production decisions.

Click Here to View the Delaware Basin Pre-Stack Depth Migration in Action

Dec 08, 2021

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